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Frequencies 3 MHz,30 MHz
Frequency Range 3 MHz - 30 MHz
Mode USB
Modulation MFSK
Emission Designator
Bandwidth 800 Hz
Location Russia
Short Description Enigma Designation XPA, also known as MFSK-20, CIS MFSK-17, and CIS MFSK-20, is a 17-tone MFSK signal said to have origin from Russian Intelligence and Foreign Ministry stations.
I/Q Raw Recording
Audio Sample

Enigma Designation XPA, also known as MFSKMultiple Frequency Shift-Keying-20, CISCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the former Soviet Republic MFSKMultiple Frequency Shift-Keying-17, and CISCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the former Soviet Republic MFSKMultiple Frequency Shift-Keying-20, is a 17-tone MFSKMultiple Frequency Shift-Keying signal said to have origin from Russian Intelligence and Foreign Ministry stations.

XPA has a very unique preamble sequence, and a lower "sync" tone that other MFSKMultiple Frequency Shift-Keying systems don't have. XPA transmits 5 number groups of unknown meaning. XPA has used 10 baudBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second. USBUpper Side Band Modulation (Radio, referring to reception and modulation mode)Universal Serial Bus (Computer, referring to USB Ports and cables) mode and 20 baudBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second. DSBDual Side Band Modulation (AMAmplitude Modulation) mode, but since 2011 XPA has stopped using the 20 baudBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second. mode and is only using the 10 baudBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second. USBUpper Side Band Modulation (Radio, referring to reception and modulation mode)Universal Serial Bus (Computer, referring to USB Ports and cables) mode.


10 BdBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second. 20 BdBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second.


Seen at:

  • 13.3675 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz

Decoding Software[edit]

Hobby Level Software
Professional Equipment/Software

Sample Demodulated Message[edit]

33019 05400 25373

block sync

19979 16160 04375 24578 30968 89653 02648

22703 81031 60888 08445 06466 45994 43195

05586 62607 90024 67425 17215 18061 46252

99304 23275 92899 49209 85293 12049 74634

68435 55473 85587 52908 04308 49381 28329

39814 80033 30644 97121 29257 14550 94335

24553 32893 15518 94438 70979 41503


Baudrate: 10 Shift: 85 Center: 1410

Video Examples[edit]

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