Unknown DMR Signal

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Unknown DMR Signal
Frequencies 450.175 MHz
Frequency Range 450.175 MHz - 450.175 MHz
Mode NFM
Modulation FSK
Bandwidth 12.5 kHz
Location Turkey
Short Description an unidentified DMR signal , transmitting continously with nearly constant intervals , each cycle is around one second , DSD+ shows it as Tier3(TIII) but no sound even when there is an acvtivity , the signal is not encrypted
I/Q Raw Recording
Audio Sample


here is an IQQuadrature signals form the basis of complex RF signal modulation and demodulation, both in hardware and in software, as well as in complex signal analysis. smaple File:SDRSharp_20170212_131628Z_450176621Hz_IQ.wav


found on UHFUltra High Frequency (300-3000 MHz). 450.175MHz

Decoding Software[edit]


Additional Images[edit]

Dsd2.png Dsd1.png