Talk:Unidentified 466 MHz digital signal
Hallo, Ich gehe nun mal davon aus sie verstehen deutsch, jedenfalls habe ich seit gestern einen "Selbstbau Spectrum Analyzer" und habe soeben die selbe entdeckung gemacht.. deshalb hab ich überhaupt danach gegoogelt.. haben sie mittlerweile eine idee was es ist? ich versuche es gerade irgendwie zu entschlüsseln
Translation :
möglicherweise handelt es sich dabei um folgendes
can confirm this signal. signal is alternating between 466.230MHz, 466.075MHz, 465.970Mhz. most probably pager signal
Confirmed. I can receive this signal around the rural district Cochem-Zell in Germany.
When you decode them with POCSAG1200, you will receive messages like (a little bit anonymized, dunno if necessary):
POCSAG1200: Address: XXXXXX Function: 3 Alpha: XX Hering Tuerkontakt geschlossen 19.06,12:46 POCSAG1200: Address: XXXXX Function: 3 Alpha: Defaultgateway XXX Down (was: Warning)<EOTEnd of Transmission> POCSAG1200: Address: XXXXXX Function: 3 Alpha: 19.06.2016 13:18:37 Filtration Siebkorb MAX-Alarm (Meldenr.XXXXXX)<EOTEnd of Transmission><EOTEnd of Transmission> POCSAG1200: Address: XXXXXX Function: 3 Alpha: Alarm from namename : TDS_HANA_SAP_CI_CONT/???/status_HANA_database<EOTEnd of Transmission><EOTEnd of Transmission> POCSAG1200: Address: XXXXXX Function: 3 Alpha: SMSGW PROBLEM: nameXXX/rc-state is CRITICAL - CRITICAL: State of /tmp/ POCSAG1200: Address: XXXXXX Function: 3 Alpha: RECOVERY Service: nameXXX/https-server is OK POCSAG1200: Address: XXXXXX Function: 3 Alpha: Geb. XXX Klimaschrank: Feuchte Alarm max. POCSAG1200: Address: XXXXXX Function: 3 Alpha: Stoerabschaltung BHKW<EOTEnd of Transmission>
Seems like pager messages and alerts to maintenance staff/system administrators/??.
Cheers, Thomas --Threusch 23:49, 19 June 2016 (NZST)
Yes, the waterfall and frequency band does point to POCSAG Paging. POCSAG is used for a lot of various applications, and I have seen system administrative messages sent via POCSAG in my area. Things like database status and warnings in console logs. --Cartoonman (talk) 00:37, 20 June 2016 (NZST)
Addendum for 466.075MHz:
POCSAG1200: Address: XXXXXX Function: 3 Alpha: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-CityRuf-Testalarm<EOTEnd of Transmission><EOTEnd of Transmission>
So it may be on that frequency.
The other signals seem scrambled/crypted or may be some reflection/harmonic of the original ones? Or maybe this is a completely different System. I did not get any sensible text on 466.230MHz (only nonsense messages at first sight) and cannot decode the signal on 465.970MHz at all. The transmissions seem to come in pairs and the one on 466.075 can be decoded, the other ones contain nonsense.
Maybe someone knows, what the other two signals are...
Cheers, Thomas --Threusch 03:55, 20 June 2016 (NZST)
The German Wikipedia ( states:
- Skyper (since 1996): 465,970 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz
- Cityruf/Euromessage: 466,075 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz
- Scall (From 1994 officially till 2002, in fact till 2010): 466,230 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz
Cheers, Thomas --Threusch 05:41, 20 June 2016 (NZST)