Talk:Signal Identification Guide

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File caching is broken?[edit]

Uploaded new versions of 8 files, everything went OK and the new files appeared on the page where they were linked.

Then uploaded new versions of 4 other files. Uploading worked but the new versions did not appear on the page.

Tried to upload those 4 files one more time, now got error message: "Sorry! We could not process your edit due to a loss of session data." Logging out/in didn't help.

I think there is somethink wrong with caching or something. Emcbro (talk) 00:09, 10 March 2025 (NZDT)

Donations link?[edit]

How about adding a donation link. Bitcoin, paypal, something else.

The amount of advertisements is nauseating. If donations are enough to keep the site running, advertisements could be reduced or removed completely.

Emcbro (talk) 22:24, 16 March 2024 (NZDT)

Editor loads older version of the page[edit]

When editing an article, the editor sometimes loads an older version of the page. Let's say, you edit a page, save it, then edit it again, your previous edits may vanish.

Solution (probably): Refresh the page after loading the editor (hit F5) - this seems to load the latest version into the editor.

Other possible workarounds that probably do not help: click the "refresh" link on the top of the article page, wait for some time, clear browser cache.

Emcbro (talk) 06:28, 5 July 2024 (NZST)

Editing and file uploading errors[edit]

Quite often when trying to upload files, this error occurs:

Error: -200, Message: HTTP Error., File: <filename>

After some hours, uploading may start working again.

Workaround: Use the "Upload file" link in the left sidebar. This problem only applies to the drag n drop uploader (MSUpload) which seems to be seriously broken.

The signal adding form often displays this error in the "Frequency range" field:

"Expression error: Unexpected > operator. - Expression error: Unexpected > operator"

Adding more than one bandwidth into the bandwidth field may not always work.

Emcbro (talk) 06:28, 5 July 2024 (NZST)

Sortable by column[edit]

It would help tremendously towards making this collection more useful if it were sortable by columns, especially frequency but bandwidth etc. would be very helpful.

- These features should be coming soon! -admin

MP3 samples[edit]

MP3 isn't the best format for storing signal samples, I think we need to store a WAV file along the MP3, to ease the analysis. --Crossband (talk) 22:09, 21 May 2016 (NZST)


I have two wav samples so far but they are 7 mins long at 44100 hz, almost 40 MB each. Not sure if that will work. I'll try to upload. Ywsia1

You should either shorten them or convert to mp3. If you want to retain the lossless wavs, you can link to a Google Drive or Dropbox with them in the article. --Cartoonman (talk) 23:38, 12 September 2016 (NZST)

I could shorten, but a greater idea is to decrease sample rate. I might be getting a newer SDR that is 820-2 with a better telescoping antenna. That way it may be able to receive better, and I can upload via laptop. It also costed the same as my previous, but now broken SDR that has shorted out, and no longer recieves signals. with the newer one I can receive the cdma2000 better to upload to this wiki.

well... decreasing sampling rate would decrease the temporal resolution of the signal if you plan on using it for analysis. For sound sample its not necessary for temporal resolution, but for raw signal sample it is necessary. --Cartoonman (talk) 08:29, 16 September 2016 (NZST)

Actually I am probably the only one who DOES NOT trust the offline database Artemis. As it leads to an addy site that seems very untrustful to IT people like me....Ywsia1.

Artemis itself is a safe program. Adfly is just used for ad revenue, and you just have to click skip on top. I'm not sure currently of the progress of development on Artemis. EDIT: The 'addy site' link issue has been resolved. --Cartoonman (talk) 06:24, 8 July 2017 (NZST)

Licensing for .csv db, audio and image clips.[edit]

Hi there,

What if any licensing issues are there for incorporating the .csv db, audio and image files into a commercial product? Do not want to use the Artemis application, just the back end files.

Thanks in advance, Michael

All recordings and images from this website are shown and given as-is for educational purpose. There is no licensing for these materials, as they are 'of nature', recordings of an rf environment. Some may claim copyright of some audio recordings on this website, but in my view, audio recordings of an RFRadio Frequency signal is hardly an 'artistic work' that is copyrightable, especially when the said individual likely did not get permission from the transmitting authorities and agents to record said signal. For the legality of recording such signals, use common sense. --Cartoonman (talk) 14:45, 18 October 2017 (NZDT)

Thanks for the feedback Cartoonman.

Any chance you could direct me to a link for current database updates? Do you know how often updates are made/posted?

Or, maybe these are questions I need to ask the Artemis peeps about? If so, I apologize.


Questions regarding Artemis should be directed to Artemis's software developer, Marco on his website. His software's 'data' is just directly sourced from our website. As for a 'current' database, this website is always the most current version of said database, as it gets updated somewhat daily by users and occasionally myself when I have the time. Such changes can be viewed on the Recent changes page on the Navigation box on the far left of this website.--Cartoonman (talk) 13:45, 26 October 2017 (NZDT)

Discord Link[edit]

Hey, I don't know how Discord works, but I believe the link is still up. Should it still be there? Willt (talk)

Yea I was lazy/busy. Took it down now. Replaced link with a mailto: URI. --Cartoonman (talk) 14:37, 27 January 2018 (NZDT)

X-10 AKA X10 Powerline and RFRadio Frequency frequencies and protocols[edit]

Hello Everyone,

I did not find any information on X-10 in the searches here. Information from Wikipedia: [1]

Power line carrier control overview

X10 modules: The interior of an appliance module (note the impulse relay on the left) and a lamp module (note the TRIAC and heat sink) Household electrical wiring which powers lights and appliances is used to send digital data between X10 devices. This data is encoded onto a 120 kHzKiloHertz (kHz) 10^3 Hz carrier which is transmitted as bursts during the relatively quiet zero crossings of the 50 or 60 HzHertz (Hz), unit of frequency, defined as one cycle per second (1 Hz). AC alternating current waveform. One bit is transmitted at each zero crossing.[3]

The digital data consists of an address and a command sent from a controller to a controlled device. More advanced controllers can also query equally advanced devices to respond with their status. This status may be as simple as "off" or "on", or the current dimming level, or even the temperature or other sensor reading. Devices usually plug into the wall where a lamp, television, or other household appliance plugs in; however some built-in controllers are also available for wall switches and ceiling fixture]

RFRadio Frequency protocol

To allow for wireless keypads, remote switches, motion sensors, et cetera, an RFRadio Frequency protocol is also defined. X10 wireless devices send data packets that are nearly identical to the NEC IR protocol used by many IR remotes, and a radio receiver then provides a bridge which translates these radio packets to ordinary X10 power line control packets. The wireless protocol operates at a frequency of 310 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz in the U.S. and 433.92 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz in European systems.

I would like to be able to use my recent RTS-SDR to monitor the X-10 signals in my home, to try to improve their reliability. I'd like to sniff out the sources of interference, etc.!

I KNOW X-10 is OldSkool, and WiFi will become the new transport for Home Automation systems. But THIS Week.....


Regards, Terry King ...In The Woods in Vermont, USA [email protected]

There should also be a rule stating here that fake signals are not allowed UNLESS they are/were legitimate, and need a sample or waterfall. Example: Discontinued or requested signals. I also talk about this in my recent post on 11/21/2021 00:12. ->Yalek W (talk)


Both a width scale (bandwith) and vertical scale (time) would help make comparisons of signal appearance helpful. Or, ensure they are identical in all images.

While the first two are agreeable, the third one I have an issue with. >> Ensuring a signal is identical in all images leads to misinterperetation for RFRadio Frequency spectrums. Example: FMFrequency Modulation spectrums are always different in how theyre generated. Say I have an AFSKAudio Frequency-Shift Keying paging link, it uses the simple FMFrequency Modulation carriers. However, since we've discovered the various formats of this modulation such as 1300/2100, 1200/2200, 1050/2300 (pennsylvania), it is difficult to tell "which is the right one". This is also prevalent with signals that use BPF's, and narrower bandwidth, PL tones, etc. They all make different waterfalls. You cannot ensure the same signal each time, and as each signal can have variants, we have to provide that evidence into play for complete proof of those signals & proof of that it was documented. Otherwise this site loses credibility, fast. Audio spectrums are easy to deal with on this matter, especially on FMFrequency Modulation because theyre usually similar anyways. RFRadio Frequency we have difficulty with.

Better support for colors and different fonts, and a background, including stricter policies for making pages accurate[edit]

Where is ardop?[edit]

Where is ardop?

You mean the winlink email variant? There are many many varaints of winlink, like scada, which shouldve honestly been on its own special pages due to the extreme vast amounts of variants these signals have. This one uses Radio mail system on HFHigh Frequency (3-30 MHz) radio stations. While we could add the signal itself, it would be hard since its alongside the RMS. Yalek W (talk)

Saving system is messed up[edit]

I cant even post comments on the comment page.