Talk:PSK Paging link

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I didnt like the name of PURC as the modulations seemed to not match the original signal in question. PSKPhase-Shift Keying paging would make more sense here. >> Yalek W (Talk)

I reviewed this page and am not sure this belongs in Signal section. While it is unique and well analyzed, the original hypothesis being that this was Motorola PURC seems to have been dismissed some time ago, and it's now just 'that unique signal in Downtown Chicago', which isn't really an identification.

If this might be some kind of generic waveform, possibly by experimentation or amateurs, we could come up with another section for something like this (e.g. bespoke transmission links or emissions). But this seems to be better stored under UNID. Thoughts?--Cartoonman (talk) 13:39, 18 May 2024 (NZST)