North Korean noise jammer

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North Korean noise jammer
NK jammer.png
Frequencies 6.6 MHz
Frequency Range 6.6 MHz - 6.6 MHz
Mode AM
Modulation AM
Emission Designator
Bandwidth 7 kHz
Location North Korea
Short Description Noise jammer with a carrier than tends to switch frequencies slightly lower and higher than the main signal frequency. Commonly found on 6.6 MHz
I/Q Raw Recording
Audio Sample

Signal can be found overlapping South Korean broadcast stations. It is most commonly found on 6.6 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz. It is a white noise jammer with a carrier than tends to switch frequencies slightly lower and higher than the main signal frequency.


USBUpper Side Band Modulation (Radio, referring to reception and modulation mode)Universal Serial Bus (Computer, referring to USB Ports and cables):


AMAmplitude Modulation:


DSBDual Side Band Modulation:


6.60 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz

Additional Images[edit]

to be added