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Frequencies 3 MHz,30 MHz
Frequency Range 3 MHz - 30 MHz
Mode USB
Modulation FSK
Emission Designator
Bandwidth 350 Hz
Location Worldwide
Short Description Golay-Teleprinting Over Radio (G-TOR) is an FSK proprietary standard developed by Kantronics Inc. and is used by radio amateurs, military (Irish Air Corps/Navy, Mexican army) and governmental agencies (ICRC).
I/Q Raw Recording
Audio Sample

Golay-Teleprinting Over Radio (G-TOR) is a proprietary standard developed by Kantronics Inc. and is used by radio amateurs, military (Irish Air Corps/Navy, Mexican army) and governmental agencies (ICRC). G-TOR operates at a radio channel rate of 100, 200 or 300 BdBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second.. The quality of the radio channel determines the actual adjusted baudBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second. rate. Ireland was a major user of G-TOR.

G-TOR is a protocol that is nearly three times faster than PACTOR, and incorporates features like Golay forward error correction, full-frame interleaving, on-the-fly Huffman data compression (with run-length encoding), fuzzy acknowledgments (for error tolerance), a long ARQAutomatic Repeat reQuestAutomatic Repeat Query cycle of 2.4 seconds, and a link-quality based transmission rate. All of these combine to minimize the effects of atmospheric noise while resulting in a mode that is robust.

G-TOR was based somewhat on concepts outlined in the MIL-STD-188-100 series of documents, and a protocol devised by M.Golay, that was used by the Voyager space craft to send pictures of Saturn and Jupiter back to Earth.

G-TOR tries to perform all transmissions at 300 baudBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second. but drops to 200 baudBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second. if difficulties are encountered and finally to 100 baudBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second..

Audio Sample[edit]

100 BdBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second. 200 BdBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second. 300 BdBaud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second.

Decoding Software[edit]


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