Digital Audio Broadcasting Plus (DAB+)

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Digital Audio Broadcasting + (DAB+)
Frequencies 174 MHz,230 MHz
Frequency Range 174 MHz - 230 MHz
Modulation OFDM
Emission Designator
Bandwidth 1.536 MHz
Location Worldwide
Short Description DAB+ is a medium of delivering broadcast radio, containing multiple stations in a single multiplex.
I/Q Raw Recording Download file
Audio Sample
DAB+ is an improved standard of the original DAB, which uses the more efficient HE-AAC v2 audio codec. As such, most DAB receivers are not compatible with DAB+.

The total bitrate of the multiples is 1.136 Mbps. each carrier is roughly 1.3 Kbps in standard protection mode.

Decoding Software[edit]

Hobby Level Software
Academic, prototyping, reference implementation-style software


VHFVery High Frequency (30-300 MHz) DAB Channel Allocations
DAB/DAB+ Channel Frequency (MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz)
5A 174.928
5B 176.640
5C 178.352
5D 180.064
6A 181.936
6B 183.648
6C 185.360
6D 187.072
7A 188.928
7B 190.640
7C 192.352
7D 194.064
8A 195.936
8B 197.648
8C 199.360
8D 201.072
9A 202.928
9B 204.640
9C 206.352
9D 208.064
10A 209.936
10B 211.648
10C 213.360
10D 215.072
11A 216.928
11B 218.640
11C 220.352
11D 222.064
12A 223.936
12B 225.648
12C 227.360
12D 229.072
13A 230.784
13B 232.496
13C 234.208
13D 235.776
13E 237.448
13F 239.200


Vertically polarized, for example Discone

Additional Images[edit]