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Feel free to make comments about unidentified signals that you might know or anything else here.

Anonymous user #1

1742 days ago
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Does ship radar penetrate houses 10 miles away?


1582 days ago
Score 1+-
yeah it probs would

Anonymous user #2

1734 days ago
Score -1+-
i need to know this mode , thanks guys

Anonymous user #3

1669 days ago
Score 0+-
Just discovered this site. It is a fascinating topic of how we communicate efficiently, reliably and securely. I will be exploring the site very much. Very interesting. Thanks. 2020 August 17th 10:57 UTC

Anonymous user #4

1656 days ago
Score 1+-
Genuinely awesome site, both in organization and content. Will take the mystery out of the odd collection of signals that have puzzled me for years when exploring the bands. Many thanks for your efforts!


1579 days ago
Score 1+-

A very useful Database, many thanks.

I would like to see a Category for Electromagnetic Interference (EMIElectromagnetic interference / RFIa specific subset of electrical noise on the Electromagnetic interference (EMI) spectrum) signals added, please.

Such as HDMI (already in the database), switched mode power supply (a representative sample, or 2), Ethernet, central heating Boiler(Gas), TV emissions (LO, harmonics, etc), and so on.

It would make the identification of interference sources in my house a lot easier :-) Once I can work out how to do it I can provide samples, mostly unidentified as yet :-(

Regards, Ed


1010 days ago
Score -1+-
not the topic of this website


1573 days ago
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Hello, I've captured a a new signal - at least to me it is - on UHFUltra High Frequency (300-3000 MHz). This was present for several days and has since disappeared. Please refer to this link at Vimeo for a sample. You may have to increase the volume. I'd like to get anyones thoughts on this.



1516 days ago
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Not new just a channel marker

Anonymous user #5

1473 days ago
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been hearing a narrow data signal on 6.780MHz for a few weeks. any idea. its mostly heard in north america. also, after dark in north america, 4.096 or so has a narow data transmission that sounds similar to a low pitch dolphin


1473 days ago
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Do you have a recording?


1473 days ago
Score 1+-

6780kHz definitely needs a sample/pic and more information.

4095.7kHz is the Desert Whooper. https://twit...704567304208


1394 days ago
Score 1+-
Please mark WLO in the marine section in red. That station has been gone for years. In the military section, MIL-STD-188-110 Appendix A should be in green. While the US has moved from this mode, other countries are still using it. In addition, it's used during Armed Forces Day in the US


1394 days ago
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There are still many station like WLO, with the FSKFrequency-Shift Keying idling and 3 letter morse ID. I think it should be renamed, but I am not sure what it should be called


1393 days ago
Score -1+-
Ya, we've been meaning to fix this for quite a while. I will bump it up in priority.


1393 days ago
Score 2+-
There are still a few maritime stations that use SITOR-A but their days are numbered. The others have gone to PACTOR


1377 days ago
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You can mark ARQAutomatic Repeat reQuestAutomatic Repeat Query-E(3) as dead. It hasn't been noted in years.

Anonymous user #6

1242 days ago
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2021-07-07 22:09:57 ?? satellite maybe? Answer: its a radio/ signal/ or internet or phone signal antenna it's signal sounds like that I know that because I live near 4 antennas and they have the same exact sound only the pitch sometimes change.

Yalek W

1094 days ago
Score -1+-

Hi guys. Since I havent been able to leave a comment here, im going to do so in a more formal fashion.

Just as a fair warning to all who are paerticipating here, I will be adding on to the main page to provide some policies that I have been trying to get on here with Cartoonman's permission through the use of the trello I have up, that will be tailored at how we need to ensure this wiki's validation at sources, and its pages. This is very big because this will help clear out a lot of junk that has been left behind. For example, I will be spending more time this week, hopefully, moving unid signals to the ID's section, ID signals to the UNID section. Some pages ive seeen are very misleading, or were never formed. So it would be best if that happened.

Not only this, but there will also be additional policies targeted on how you should post signals.

Anonymous user #7

994 days ago
Score -1+-
dude you were literally banned from all the servers... you aren't implementing nothing.... literally look at https://www....i/User:Mbeam

Anonymous user #8

1051 days ago
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Hey guys is there any way I can join the discord server?, I recently sent an email to join the discord server and I haven't received a response, what should I do?

Anonymous user #9

1022 days ago
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Yalek W

692 days ago
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wha huh? I made that signal but i didnt realize it was incorrectly named. Thanks for resssuring that!! I will request a name change.

Anonymous user #9

1022 days ago
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Anonymous user #10

998 days ago
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Does anyone have Signals Analyzer (Signals Analyzer download link?

Yalek W

692 days ago
Score -1+-
that software is probably one of the best pieces of software for these purposes. Unfortunately, this isnt free software sadly :C...

Anonymous user #11

986 days ago
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Anonymous user #12

945 days ago
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Has anyone identified Inmarsat's Fleet Broadband or Fleet Xpress transmission set up yet? Even any info regarding the withdrawn Fleet 77 service, Sat A and B are obviously now long gone.

My preference is it all should have stopped with W/T on 500 kHzKiloHertz (kHz) 10^3 Hz but progress is inevitable I suppose!

Anonymous user #13

918 days ago
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Q: - I am trying to decode some audio from a game. It looks a lot like it is a modulated ( I worked with radio at one point) structured signal. -- Anyone have recomendations on simple Analysis software (like a spec an and/or demod decoder) that would be easy to use with a soundcard? I dont have an SDR dongle but I guess I could buy one.

Yalek W

692 days ago
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do you have the audio file on you so we can view it? I could try to make an assumption (it may not be correct) based off the audio spectrum.

Anonymous user #14

832 days ago
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Your template says "ACFAutoCorrelation Function" but doesn't explain what that means. Please link it to an explanatory article or expand the abbreviation. Google says it might stand for "autocorrelation function"?


830 days ago
Score 1+-

That is correct, ACFAutoCorrelation Function stands for Auto-Correlation Function. It's also defined in the terminology page: https://www..../Terminology

Abbreviations on the wiki should show their meaning if you mouse over them as well.

Anonymous user #15

781 days ago
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What copyright applies to the uploaded audio files? it would be good uploaders agreed to have it under Creative Commons. I want to use the HFHigh Frequency (3-30 MHz) audio to add QRM noise to morse code audio while training a neural network to decode it.

ie a python program downloads all the audio for HFHigh Frequency (3-30 MHz) and converts to WAV files. Later while triaing the network a lowlevel lopping version of the audio is then added to morse code audio along with static noise. The result along with the text version of the morse code is then used to train a neural network.


765 days ago
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There is no copyright. you can use them

Yalek W

692 days ago
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yeah these signal audio files are not under any licenses due to the fact they were user-provided audio files either directly from the SDR software they used. It wouldnt actually be appropriate to call copyright to a page or audio file because on this wiki anybody is able to edit these signals...

Anonymous user #16

757 days ago
Score 1+-
Could you please add something to explain what ACFAutoCorrelation Function stands for on the pages? Specifically I am looking at the DMR page and in the right sidebar it says ACFAutoCorrelation Function Frame: 60 msmilliseconds (.001 of a second), Slot: 30 msmilliseconds (.001 of a second)

Anonymous user #16

757 days ago
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(Replying to my own comment)

I see there is another commenter asking about the same thing. The mouseover doesn't seem to be working on the DMR page so I could not see the information.


747 days ago
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Mouseover should tell you what ACFAutoCorrelation Function stands for (Autocorrelation Function). Otherwise you can visit the Terminology page to see acronym definitions.

Yalek W

692 days ago
Score -1+-
So im apparently fixing some pages to ensure their accuracy is good enough.

Yalek W

692 days ago
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I also found out (and I announced this on EOTD page), that HOTD uses the very same protocol. The difference is the data that gets sent between the units.

Anonymous user #17

575 days ago
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Is there a reason this website uses mediawiki release from 2013-2014?

Anonymous user #18

566 days ago
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Yalek W

532 days ago
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I originally made an announcement to delete my account off of here but since nobody seemed to care or notice im just gonna stay then...

Anonymous user #19

531 days ago
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If no one cared about that, what makes you think anyone would care about this?

Yalek W

499 days ago
Score -1+-

Anonymous #17 The reason this site still uses the 2014 release of mediawiki is because we havent gotten around at modifying the version. The admin of this site is on hiatus and just got the new server up and running before the hiatus.

I would also highly recommend the anonymous users make actual user accounts so this way we know who you are. Its a security issue if that doesnt happen.

Yalek W

478 days ago
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This was posted due to the amount of variants of "SCADA" that I am starting to norice on this wiki, and was also posted in the discussions page of the ID section..

Is it alright if I make SCADA a special page because that signal has MANY MANY MANY variants that need to be addressed there? I have seen so any variants posted that I want to start merging data into the SCADA page itself. MOSCAD, the BalDR sensor, Electric meters, anything that relates to data acquisiton...

Anonymous user #20

414 days ago
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I know there's a category list on various pager (POGSAC et al) pages. Maybe you could do something like that?

Anonymous user #21

473 days ago
Score -2+-
i wish cats were real

Yalek W

426 days ago
Score -1+-

FOR THOSE who are visiting the site as of recent, we have experienced a bug where the actual limit of signals are truncated to 500 entries only. not to worry, the others are actually *hidden* on the bottom of the page...just not on the database.

Also, for firefox users, you may experience file uploading and general edit issues maybe saving...

Yalek W

405 days ago
Score -1+-
a UHFUltra High Frequency (300-3000 MHz) variant of the CRY2001 voice scrambler has been recently found by Elijah Hamilton.

Anonymous user #22

290 days ago
Score -3+-

Anonymous user #23

271 days ago
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Can someone please identify the QRM I have in Thailand. Please find the video here: https://www....ux&t=429

It's been years I try to figure out what is the source.


270 days ago
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If you mean those downwards sweeping signals, they are likely interference from RFRadio Frequency welding and heating processes. Also known as "hooks", "fish hooks", "sweepers" and possibly with other names.


63 days ago
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Emcbro is correct, these are called fish hooks. When they are wide band (and I mean VERY wide band, like 0.5-3 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz wide) they are usually from natural sources (e.g. lightning interference & lightning scatter, solar storm activity/solar EMP, etc.). When there is only one narrow-band signal, it is often caused by RFRadio Frequency heating and welding equipment nearby, these devices are used often in industry, particularly manufacturing. RFRadio Frequency Generators are often a likely culprit as they are often installed by non-electricians and they are usually poorly maintained if any maintenance is done at all. In this case there are many narrow-band signals which all follow the same curved, fish-hook pattern. This can also be from the same RFRadio Frequency heating equipment, or it could be a source of local interference. The power supply to the receiver could be the culprit. Furnaces, water heaters, air conditioning units, refrigerators and other motorized appliances which are intended for continuous-use are other likely suspects.

See the signal ID wiki page for RFRadio Frequency heating interference here: https://www....interference

Also, take a look at these pages for mitigating interference at your station:



Anonymous user #24

50 days ago
Score 0+-

I've got sourcerer and wcode for sale. For more information please contact me at:

[email protected]
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