Baofeng GMSK
From Signal Identification Wiki
Proprietary GMSKGaussian Minimum-Shift Keying mode used for digital voice by Fujian Baofeng walkie talkies. At least supported by the following models:
- Alervites AT-W31D (FCC ID: 2BBGD-AT31D)
- Baofeng 1901D (FCC ID: 2AJGM-1901D)
- Baofeng 888SD (FCC ID: 2AJGM-888SD)
- Baofeng T20D (FCC ID: 2AJGM-T20D)
- Baofeng V1D (FCC ID: 2AJGM-V1D)
- Baofeng V12D/GT68PRO (FCC ID: 2AJGM-V12D)
- Baofeng W31D (FCC ID: 2AJGM-W31D)
According to FCC filings, it uses TDMATime Division Multiple Access on a 12.5KHz channel, with GMSKGaussian Minimum-Shift Keying at data rate of 10248 bpsBits per second (bps). However, the SDR waterfall suggests there is no such TDMATime Division Multiple Access applied.
The protocol has some sort of 5-bit encryption or selective call mechanism, specified as a number from 0 to 31 on the CPS.
Decoding Software[edit]
None available.