Advanced Speed Enforcement System (ASES)
From Signal Identification Wiki
- Overlay for New Jersey Transit
- Merges two systems--continuous cab signaling and positive train stop (PTS) by intermittent cab linked to xponders.
- The intermittent cab signal portion of the
- Brings a train to a stop if it should run through a red signal, even if the train is traveling at less than 20 m.p.h.
- Uses transponders to transmit speed enforcement data to train in each block.
- Similar to ACSES except in-cab speed display was more sophisticated.
- Had some technical issues when deployed – Ansaldo Sweden cab signal.
- SPONSOR: NJ Transit
- SUPPLIER(s): US&S - Ansaldo
- MESSAGING STD: Eurobalise
- FREQ BAND: 27 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz
- RADIO MFGR: Ansaldo
- COMMS RANGE: 6 feet
- COMMS BETWEEN: Transponders and Train
- STATUS:Not in use, to be superseded by ACES II (PTC system = ACSES II)