17067bps FSK

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17067bps FSK
Fsk17067 wf.png
Frequencies 30 MHz,88 MHz
Frequency Range 30 MHz - 88 MHz
Mode FM
Modulation FSK
ACF 11.25 ms
Emission Designator
Bandwidth 25 kHz
Location Worldwide
Short Description Unknown military-use signal reminiscent of SECURENET CVSD voice.
I/Q Raw Recording Download file
Audio Sample

The general characteristics of this signal are an occupied bandwidth of 25 kHzKiloHertz (kHz) 10^3 Hz, a data rate of 17066.7 bits per second (a symbol duration of 58.59375 us) in 2FSK, a deviation of +/- 5.35 kHzKiloHertz (kHz) 10^3 Hz, and a short 6 kHzKiloHertz (kHz) 10^3 Hz tone heard in FMFrequency Modulation demodulation at unkey. The ACFAutoCorrelation Function of the preamble is 192 bits, or 11.25 msmilliseconds (.001 of a second). This may be an example of the Russian ZAS (ЗАС) telephony system[1]. The signal was observed in Sharja, UAE, and suspected to be used by Iran Navy[2]; this signal has also been heard in Poland[3] and Russia[1]. As of the present moment it is unclear whether this signal is 2FSK or 2-GFSKGaussian Frequency-Shift Keying, but 2-GFSKGaussian Frequency-Shift Keying is suspected[3].



Signal has been observed on these frequencies:

  • 30.975 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz[3]
  • 36.700 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz[1]
  • 62.550 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz[4]
  • 63.925 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz[4]
  • 71.900 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz[2]

Frequencies across the low-band VHFVery High Frequency (30-300 MHz) spectrum (30-88 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz) are expected.

Additional Images[edit]


  1. Another LB Band Signal. KarapuZ on RadioScanner.RU. 28 June 2014. Accessed 5 March 2025.
  2. 2.02.1 Observations of signal by Ahlawy on Signal Identification Wiki and Discord.
  3. Observation and analysis of signal by King_Wing34 on Discord. 27 November 2024. Accessed 5 March 2025.
  4. 4.04.1 Obtained from screenshots posted by user No Way in Discord. 1 March 2025. Accessed 5 March 2025.