Edit signal: Industrial key opener

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Using this form, you can submit a new signal entry to the Identified Signals Database. There are a number of things to keep in mind:


Please make sure you understand our disclaimer regarding works uploaded/submitted to our website: Signal_Identification_Wiki:General_disclaimer.

By submitting content to the wiki, you hereby agree to the disclaimer and attest that you are not submitting copyrightable work that you do not own, and that you agree for your content to be freely available for general public to access and interact with.


The title should be clear and proper. Signals known by an acronym like DMR and ATSC should have the full name first, followed by the acronym in parenthesis. For example: High Frequency Data Link (HFDL).


This will be the preview waterfall image that will display on the database as well as the Artemis software. We strongly advise that you follow these key rules:

  • Keep the aspect ratio at 3:5 (No smaller than 150x250). .jpg or .png is acceptable. No strict size limits, use common sense.
  • Have the image only be the waterfall display of the signal. Examples of what you should not do: 1 2 3 4 5 6. Please keep in mind that these images are perfectly fine for the Additional Images section of the Long Description, but are not ideal preview images for the database.
  • Do your best to get as high quality of a waterfall image as possible. For example, don't do this or this. To exemplify this, This and This are both the same signal, but one of them is much more detailed than the other. Zoom and FTT Resolution makes a significant difference.


List the frequencies that the signal can be found at here. If it's a signal that does not have a well-defined list of frequencies, or it has a massive list of defined frequencies, just list the lower and upper bounds of the frequency range or ranges, each frequency separated by a comma. For example, for a signal found at 160MHz and in the band 460MHz-480MHz and 830MHz-860MHz, I would list the frequencies as (160 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz, 460 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz, 480 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz, 830 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz, 860 MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz). You can define these ranges in more specificity in the Frequencies section of the Long Description below.


These modes follow the SDRSharp naming convention for simplicity. NFMNarrowband Frequency Modulation = Narrowband FMFrequency Modulation. Any FMFrequency Modulation-modulated signal besides FMFrequency Modulation-Radio should be received in Narrowband FMFrequency Modulation. USBUpper Side Band Modulation (Radio, referring to reception and modulation mode)Universal Serial Bus (Computer, referring to USB Ports and cables) = Upper Side Band Modulation, this is the default for signals recorded on HFHigh Frequency (3-30 MHz), or otherwise non-DSBDual Side Band Modulation (Dual Side Band) or AMAmplitude Modulation (Amplitude Modulation) signals. For any other signal that is either too wide or unlistenable using the other modes, use RAW.


List the type of modulation or modulations the signal is known to use. This is considered separate from Mode in that baseband modulation is what is being considered here, such as FSKFrequency-Shift Keying (Frequency Shift-Keying) and PSKPhase-Shift Keying (Phase-Shift Keying). For variants of primary modulation methods, you don't have to write things like 8-PSK8-Phase Phase-Shift Keying (3 bits per symbol) or QPSKQuadrature Phase-Shift Keying (2 bits per symbol), PSKPhase-Shift Keying is enough. Denote the specific modulation method in the Long Description below.


Do your best to figure out the best fit for the bandwidth of a signal. If the signal seems to fit tightly at 1968 HzHertz (Hz), unit of frequency, defined as one cycle per second (1 Hz)., 2000 HzHertz (Hz), unit of frequency, defined as one cycle per second (1 Hz). is a good number to choose for the bandwidth. It is known that bandwidth will be affected by the strength of the signal, so try to list an average or ideal reception bandwidth that will be more or less within the range of error for significantly weak or stronger receptions of the signal. If the signal has multiple modes that come with multiple bandwidths, list them with commas.


The location field is for where the signal originates or is transmitted from. Do NOT solely list where you heard the signal from. For example, the Japanese Slot Machine (XSL) originates from Japan, so the location is listed as such, even if it's received in Australia. For signals from mobile commercial products like data modems or trunked radio, it will usually cover at least a national, continental, or global area, but further research is required to verify that. No more specific than country is required for this field.

Signal Audio File

IMPORTANT: This file MUST be an .mp3 file. NO WAV's! Use MP3Cut.net to convert your wav file as well as trim it to the part you want to upload. Preferably keep this file size below 1 MB. For any sound samples above 1 MB, you may include those in the Long Description. This recording should match the mode in which the signal is optimally received (an FMFrequency Modulation-modulated FSKFrequency-Shift Keying signal recorded with NFMNarrowband Frequency Modulation, not USBUpper Side Band Modulation (Radio, referring to reception and modulation mode)Universal Serial Bus (Computer, referring to USB Ports and cables))

Signal IQQuadrature signals form the basis of complex RF signal modulation and demodulation, both in hardware and in software, as well as in complex signal analysis. zip file

This is an optional but very beneficial thing to add to a submission, especially for non-USBUpper Side Band Modulation (Radio, referring to reception and modulation mode)Universal Serial Bus (Computer, referring to USB Ports and cables) signals. The IQQuadrature signals form the basis of complex RF signal modulation and demodulation, both in hardware and in software, as well as in complex signal analysis. can be recorded using SDRSharp and using RAW and recording the 'audio', which actually makes an IQQuadrature signals form the basis of complex RF signal modulation and demodulation, both in hardware and in software, as well as in complex signal analysis. file of only the area you selected with RAW, saving a lot of file size space. If the IQQuadrature signals form the basis of complex RF signal modulation and demodulation, both in hardware and in software, as well as in complex signal analysis. file zip is too large, upload to a filehosting site like Mega.nz and link the IQQuadrature signals form the basis of complex RF signal modulation and demodulation, both in hardware and in software, as well as in complex signal analysis. file in the Long Description.

Short description

Usually no more than two lines briefly summarizing or introducing the signal and it's main purpose and use. Usually the first two lines of the Long Description description anyway. Avoid using any crazy symbols or characters here.


List the Categories your signal falls into, separated by commas for more than one category. You can find the list of established categories here.


Picture Please upload a clear waterfall image that will display on the database and Artemis Upload file
Frequencies Please specify list of frequencies separated by comma. Remember to include the unit after each number (e.g HzHertz (Hz), unit of frequency, defined as one cycle per second (1 Hz)., kHzKiloHertz (kHz) 10^3 Hz, MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz, GHzGigaHertz (GHz) 10^9 Hz).
Mode Please specify the demodulation mode (e.g. AMAmplitude Modulation, FMFrequency Modulation, WFMWideband Frequency Modulation, USBUpper Side Band Modulation (Radio, referring to reception and modulation mode)Universal Serial Bus (Computer, referring to USB Ports and cables), LSBLower Side Band Modulation).
Modulation Please specify the modulation (e.g. FSKFrequency-Shift Keying, ASKAmplitude-Shift Keying, PPMPulse Position Modulation, QAMQuadrature Amplitude Modulation).
AutoCorrelation Function If the ACFAutoCorrelation Function of the signal is known, write it here.
Bandwidth Please specify list of frequencies separated by comma. Remember to include the unit after each number (e.g HzHertz (Hz), unit of frequency, defined as one cycle per second (1 Hz)., kHzKiloHertz (kHz) 10^3 Hz, MHzMegaHertz (MHz) 10^6 Hz, GHzGigaHertz (GHz) 10^9 Hz).
Location If specific to a location please specify, otherwise specify Worldwide.
Signal audio file Please upload an MP3 audio file that will be displayed on the front page. Upload file
Signal IQQuadrature signals form the basis of complex RF signal modulation and demodulation, both in hardware and in software, as well as in complex signal analysis. zip file If you have a zipped IQQuadrature signals form the basis of complex RF signal modulation and demodulation, both in hardware and in software, as well as in complex signal analysis. file that is less than 8mb please upload it here. Upload file
Short description Enter a short description that will show on the main page.
Categories Please specify categories separated with comma. Please choose from: Military, Radar, Commercial, Active, Inactive, Amateur Radio, Satellite, Time, Marine, Numbers Stations, Aviation, Analogue, Digital, Navigation, Utility, Trunked Radio, VLFVery Low Frequency (3-30 kHz), LFLow Frequency (30-300 kHz), MFMedium Frequency (300-3000 kHz), HFHigh Frequency (3-30 MHz), VHFVery High Frequency (30-300 MHz), UHFUltra High Frequency (300-3000 MHz).

Long description